Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Contributed (contrib) modules CCK v5 p5

modules used by the Drupal community.

Comment CCK

The comment CCK module allows comments to alter CCK fields.
Works somewhat like project.module
6.x-1.0-beta22009-May-09Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.02007-Sep-08Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

Computed Field


Computed Field is being maintained by Agileware, (Drupal 5 branch) and Moonshine (Drupal 6 branch). CVS HEAD is currently for Drupal 6!
If you would also like to help maintain this module then please contact Moonshine or Agileware.

About Computed Field

Computed Field is a very powerful CCK field module that lets you add a custom "computed fields" to your content types. These computed fields are populated with values that you define via PHP code. You may draw on anything available to Drupal, including other fields, the current user, database tables, you name it. (Feeling the power yet? :) ) You can also choose whether to store your computed field values in the database with other content fields, or have them "calculated" on the fly during node views. (Although you should note that Views use requires database stored values.) This field is literally the Swiss Army knife of CCK fields. So start cooking up your PHP based values!


This module is intended to be used by PHP developers to insert & execute PHP code on a Drupal website. It does not provide a macro interface, a code builder or anything other than insert your working code here into this text area. You need to have a good working knowledge of PHP and the Drupal API to use this module. To get the best results with this module, pre-test your PHP code in the Body field of a Page in Drupal.
Please do not post questions to the issue queue asking for help with your specific PHP code snippet. Use this page for Computed Field code examples and for seeking assistance,
6.x-1.0-beta32009-Aug-01Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.22007-May-16Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

Conditional Fields

Conditional Fields Preview
Content fields and groups visibility based on the values of user defined 'trigger' fields.


Conditional Fields allows you to assign fields with allowed values as ‘controlling fields’ for other fields and groups. When a field or group is ‘controlled’, it will only be available for editing and displayed if the selected values of the controlling field match the ‘trigger values’ assigned to it.
When editing a node, the controlled fields are dynamically shown and hidden with JavaScript.
You can, for example, make a custom ‘article teaser’ field that is shown only if a ‘Has teaser’ checkbox is checked.


You can only set fields with Allowed values as controlling fields. Controlled fields can be of any type.


This module is still in testing, and should not be used on production sites.

Important note

Since I have limited time to devote to the development of this module, I can't work on the old Drupal 5 version, which by now is very outdated. All bug fixes and new features are first applied to the Drupal 6 version. You can contribute to 5.x-1.x-dev submitting patches which I will gladly review and apply, or by a financial contribution.


If you wish to support the development of this module, you may donate a sum via PayPal.
6.x-1.0-beta22009-Jun-10Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.x-dev2008-Dec-20Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.


Connect allows you to easily create petitions and email or fax campaigns.
The connect module more generally lets you link 'parent' nodes to 'participant' nodes, and allows the definition of actions to be taken when participant nodes are created, including sending emails to defined or looked-up targets, and adding participant info to CiviCRM.
Thus, setting up an online email campaign consists in setting up participant and campaign node types, and then creating a campaign node and assigning the appropriate functions, such as "participate once", "send email".
Users: an extensive "Help" page is provided, and the module provides useful feedback about what settings are required in order for proper functioning.
Developers: version 2.x uses an extensive system of hooks so that new functions can be easily written to extend almost all of its functionality.
This project was developed by OpenConcept Consulting Inc. and supported by The Council of Canadians, the Canadian Labour Congress, and Make Poverty History.
5.x-2.0-beta12009-Apr-08Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

Content Construction Kit (CCK)

The Content Construction Kit allows you to add custom fields to nodes using a web browser.
7.x-2.x-dev2009-Sep-04Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.
6.x-2.52009-Aug-03Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.102008-Nov-05Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

Content Taxonomy

This module provides a CCK field type for referencing taxonomy terms.
The fields are independent from vocabulary settings. For every field you can specify following settings:
  • widget type (see list below)
  • general CCK settings (label, description, fieldgroup, weight, single/multiple, required, ...)
  • the vocabulary to use
  • further settings for hierarchical vocabularies, like the depth of the tree or a parent term for sub-trees
  • storage settings: storage is done in the CCK tables. But for many modules it's necessary, that the saved values are also available to the core Taxonomy system. In this case it's possible to save values additionally to the core taxonomy database table. (Drupal 6)
  • widget-specific settings
Content Taxonomy is going to hide all form fields from the core Taxonomy module from vocabularies, which are handled by a Content Taxonomy field (since Beta 6).
Further Content Taxonomy Fields have Views and Token support and can be used with Rules.
At the moment there are following widgets available:
  • Select lists
6.x-1.0-rc22009-Aug-19Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.x-dev2008-Jul-07Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.
4.7.x-1.x-dev2007-Mar-03Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.

Content Templates (Contemplate)

The Content Template (a.k.a. ConTemplate) module allows modification of Drupal's teaser and body fields using administrator defined templates. These templates use PHP code and all of the node object variables are available for use in the template. An example node object is displayed and it is as simple as clicking on its properties to add them to the current template.
This module was written to solve a need with the Content Construction Kit (CCK), where it had a tendency toward outputting content in a not-very-pretty way. And as such, it dovetails nicely with CCK, adding a "template" tab to CCK content-type editing pages and pre-populating the templates with CCK's default layout. This makes it easy to rearrange fields, output different fields for teaser and body, remove the field title headers, output fields wrapped for use with tabs.module (part of JSTools), or anything you need.
But Content Template can actually be used on any node type and allows modification of the teaser and body properties before they go out in an RSS feed, search index, or are handed off to the theme. Additionally, ConTemplate can choose to add any files, images, or other media to RSS feeds as an attachment.
7.x-1.x-dev2009-Sep-13Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.
6.x-1.12009-Jun-02Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-2.042008-Nov-14Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

Controlled Edit CCK Widget

This small CCK widget is exactly the same as the text field widget, except that it checks that the new text contains the old text, i.e. you may only add to a text field, you may not take away.
This is the sort of behavior you get with the comments in drupal for instance. But with this module, you can create something line inline comments, with a reasonably familiar editable representation (e.g. email format).
A development on this would be to allow users to modify their own insertions, but not those of others. With some parsing, this would be possible, but initially, I wanted to keep this module simple.
The default setting has the text appear much as an email would, with ">"'s at the beginning of each line, indenting as edit's happen. This resembles email markup - combine this with the and you can allow the user to add in-line comments, in a nice easy email markup style, while preventing them from editing the content
If this were used with a filter - and some theming - then the actual displayed result could be nice and pretty, while the editable version remains easy to see (and familiar, being similar to an e-mail thread).
5.x-1.12007-Sep-07Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

Create from Web

CreateFromWeb select service to search
Effortless content creation by retrieving attribute values from the Web to (pre-)fill your node type (cck) fields.
Available services include:
  • Wikipedia, ISBNdb
  • BibTex, attribute: value lists
  • Google Scholar, Amazon, imdb -- to be updated

How does it work?

New nodes are created as follows:
  1. choose a service from the list
  2. enter some query keywords (or text to transform/map)
  3. in case of multiple results: inspect result list and click 'create' on intended item
  4. preview the new node with retrieved data pre-filled
  5. submit node as usual
With the Wikipedia service you can prefill any kind of content types. Querying for a movie e.g. it extracts directors, actors, language, imdb id, and such!

Simple to add a web service of your choice

For new services you have to supply a .inc file that returns an associative array. The keys of this array map to the cck fields of your node type. You can specify also mappings in the settings.
Historical note: Module was initially written for Drupal 4.7 and flexinode. Since Drupal 5 for CCK instead of flexinode. CCK multiple value fields get pre-filled in Drupal 6 version. Currently neglecting Drupal 5 version.
See exemplary use in #387570: How it work?
6.x-1.32009-Mar-01Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.22009-Feb-16Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

Creative Commons Widget

Turns a regular CCK text field into a field for selecting and displaying Creative Commons licenses. Makes use of the Creative Commons web services to fetch information on the current license variations and versions for given jurisdictions.
Users looking for a Creative Commons license module should also consider:
Unlike those two, Creative Commons Widget implements Creative Commons license selection through a CCK field and so may be preferred for sites relying extensively on CCK.
To use:
  • Install the module and its dependency, Preset Widget Options.
  • At the admin/settings/cc-widget, configure the module by selecting a jurisdiction and other data. When the form is submitted, the most recent version of the license will be set automatically based on a query to the Creative Commons web service.
5.x-1.x-dev2008-Sep-18Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.

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