Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Contributed (contrib) modules CCK v5 p2

Contributed (contrib) modules are plugins for Drupal that extend, build or enhance Drupal core functionality. Use matching versions (modules released for Drupal 5.x will not work for Drupal 6.x). Contributed modules are not part of Drupal core releases and may or may not have optimized code/functionality. If a module solves your needs please consider joining forces and helping the maintainer. You can view module usage statistics for all modules to view the most popular modules used by the Drupal community.

CCK Copy Body

This module is no longer being developed in favor of the new field_copy module.
Field copy is much more generic, and allows copying between any two cck fields of the same content type as well as the node title and body.
please see
5.x-1.02008-Sep-25Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

CCK Create Install

This module lets you select an existing cck_node type and creates module install code for the cck node, cck fields as well as the referenced taxonomy.
This is usefull if you create a module based on cck and need to make an installer that generates the cck strucure (not the content).
Creating modules based on cck/views is fast and flexible, but hard to replicate from a development server to a live server without migrating the entire database.
This module solves the problem.
Create your cck node type like normal using the web interface.
Use this module to generate the install code and place the install code in your module for update_1
Currently this just lets you select a cck node type and generates install code for all of the cck tables, as well as all of the taxonomy referenced by the cck node_type.
If your cck node type references taxonomies generated by other modules you will need to manually delete the install code for those taxonomies from the genrated install code.
The taxonomy generation code uses the taxonomy api, so it is pretty easy to remove. I will add comments to make this easier and eventually allow selecting what to create.
5.x-1.72008-May-23Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

CCK Currency

The module provides a drop down CCK field which has all currencies provided by Currency module.
If you want to have a numeric field for money value plus a drop down field for currency then you might need to take a look at Wim Leer's Money module.
Project created by OpenCraft.
6.x-1.12009-Mar-03Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.02008-Jan-27Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.
4.7.x-1.12008-Jan-02Recommended for 4.7.xThis is currently the recommended release for 4.7.x.

CCK Download Dropdown

Looking for co-maintainer. See message in issue queue.
This module adds the ability to place a single drop down selector and download button on a node. The drop down list is populated by links to attachments from a node that you specify. Selecting an attachment and pressing the download button will initiate a download of the selected file. Although multiple drop downs in a single field are not supported, you can add multiple fields, each with a drop down populated by different files. In this way you can link to as many nodes' files as you wish without taking up a lot of screen space.
USE CASE EXAMPLE: If you have categories of files and want to show them all on one page without a huge list like you get with the standard upload module, you can create a node for each category, use the upload module to attach those files, then use this module to create a field for each node you have created.
IMPORTANT!!! - You need to supply an icon, call it disk.png, and place it in this
module's folder. The one I use wasn't GPL-compatible so could not be included in this
release. The one I use looks like a floopy disk, but you could use anything.
5.x-1.02007-Dec-14Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

CCK Edit Button

Provides an 'Edit Button' CCK field, allowing the content-type designer to add a javascript-enabled button to the CCK field set, active when the node is being edited, but hidden when the node is being viewed.
I wrote this module as part of a Kosada Inc development project. We're using this for an Appointment-Invoice content type --- the user fills in CCK fields for the appointment begin and end time, and then presses the "Calculate Billing Information" button (created with this module) whose Javascript code --- depending on the duration, time-of-day, and other factors --- calculates the number of billed hours, the rate, and the total amount, and fills in other CCK fields with this information. We chose to do it this way instead of using a "computed field", so that the user could tweak the computed values when necessary.
5.x-0.92008-Mar-16Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

CCK Extras

CCK Extras is intended to demonstrate a variety of "novelty formatters" and "novelty widgets" for editing and displaying assorted CCK fields. While the code for these widgets and formatters works, they're intended more as demonstrations and starting points than production code. Extras include:
  • Link Redirection Formatter: A horrible hack that turns a CCK link field into a HTTP redirect. For link directory sites, that means users don't have to view the node, THEN click through to view the linked site. This is also dangerous, because using it without thinking can turn your entire site into a giant redirect.
  • Link As Screenshot: Uses the WebSnappr service to display CCK Link fields as screenshots of the site, rather than textual links. For simple link archives, it eliminates the need to manually snap and upload screenshots.
  • Text as Textarea: Display a CCK text field as a form element, with selectable, copyable text. Useful for displaying bits of text users will want to copy into another window, like CSS snippets or YouTube embed codes.
  • AudioField as flash player: render Audio Fields as embedded flash players, rather than textual links.
5.x-1.x-dev2007-Nov-23Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.

CCK Facets

CCK Facets is a bundle of modules that integrate with Faceted Search to expose Content Construction Kit (CCK) fields as facets. This allows users to browse field values and to filter search results with those values.
6.x-1.x-dev2009-May-02Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.
5.x-1.0-beta22008-Jun-23Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

CCK Field Definitions

The purpose of this module is to display to the user a list of content type fields, along with their descriptions, in a dictionary-like fashion. This is especially useful for CCK content types that have a large amount of fields (hundreds) because it allows for viewing all the fields at a glance and studying the definitions without having to go into the actual node creation form.
This functionality can be enabled/disabled for any content type. It also supports collapsible fieldgroups and weight-based sorting for displaying the fields in a human-friendly way.
Users with the correct permissions are also able to modify the definitions in-place, which is useful for non-technical users that need to revise field definitions periodically. All the changes are reflected immediately in the corresponding content type form.
This module depends on CCK.
6.x-1.02009-Jun-29Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.42009-Jun-25Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

CCK Field Permissions

This module has been rewritten from scratch and is now distributed with the Drupal6 version of CCK as content_permissions module. I extended the functionality so that Views respects the specified permissions.
This module allows admins to restrict access to specific CCK node type fields to by user roles. This is useful if you have a content type that you want to allow some classes of users greater use of- for example, a CCK node may have a field for a link to an external website. Using this module you can allow only registered users to have access to that field to create, update, and now view.
Note: that when you enable this module for a specific field, you must grant view access for users- when you enable it, it strips view access for all users except the root user. If you disable this module, all access is returned to normal.
CCK Field Permissions does not use node_access so it will not interfere with other access control modules.
CCK Field Permissions does not prevent Drupal's search engine from indexing content that a user might not have access to. This is due to how the search engine interfaces with CCK nodes. Idealy this could be fixed by adding permissions into the core of CCK, however I'm not sure that there is significant interest in that.
5.x-1.102007-May-10Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.
4.7.x-1.12007-Jan-17Recommended for 4.7.xThis is currently the recommended release for 4.7.x.

CCK Field Privacy

This module adds little padlock icons to right of field labels in node/#/edit forms. These padlocks enable users with access to control who can see those fields on the node/# view page. (e.g. everyone, buddies only, nobody)
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Developed by Bryan O'Shea and Mike Smullin.
6.x-1.12009-Mar-21Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.32008-Nov-16Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

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