Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Contributed (contrib) modules CCK v5 p7

modules used by the Drupal community.

Email Field

#D7CX: I pledge that Email Field will have a full Drupal 7 release on the day that Drupal 7 is released.
This module provides a CCK field type for email addresses.


  • validation of emails
  • turns addresses into mailto links
  • encryption of email addresses with
  • contact form (see Display settings)
  • provides Tokens
  • exposes fields to Views
  • can be used with Rules
6.x-1.22009-Jun-13Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.02008-Aug-26Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.
4.7.x-1.x-dev2007-Feb-24Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.

Embed Google Maps Field

The Embed Google Maps module provides a CCK field for embedding Google Maps into nodes. You can embed any kind of Google Maps including driving directions and personal maps. You can also type a search query into the field and display the search results in the field.
No Google Maps API key is required. Maps can be embedded right away with no setup needed.
Development of this module has been sponsored by Hoist.
6.x-1.22009-Jul-12Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.22009-Jul-12Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

Embedded Media Field

#D7CX: I pledge that Embedded Media Field will have a full Drupal 7 release, and/or a migration to FileField (depending on the status of PHP Stream Wrappers + FileField in core) on the day that Drupal 7 is released. Views functionality will be available the day the Drupal 7 version of Views is released.
Maintainers: aaron (Aaron Winborn) and Alex UA (Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg)
This extensible module will create fields for node content types that can be used to display video, image, and audio files from various third party providers. When entering the content, the user will simply paste the URL or embed code from the third party, and the module will automatically determine which content provider is being used. When displaying the content, the proper embedding format will be used.
The module is only an engine, and requires a supported module to function. These include 'Embedded Image Field', 'Embedded Video Field' and 'Embedded Audio Field'. These modules are included in the contrib folder of the module, so they can be easily activated from the module administration page.
6.x-1.112009-Oct-05Recommended for 6.xThis is currently the recommended release for 6.x.
5.x-1.82009-Sep-22Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

Employment Field

D6 version: I don't plan to port to D6. You are encouraged to try out CCK's experimental 'content multigroup' module instead to make your own custom multi-value fieldgroups. 'Content Multigroup' can be found in CCK's 'modules' directory - follow its README to try it out.
Employment Field is a CCK field for storing information about a person's employment history.
It contains fields for company, title, office, division or section, address, description, and duration.
Its usefulness is mainly when used as a multiple field, allowing users to submit multiple entries for the various jobs they have held. It uses javascript (based on link.module) to allow the user to add additional employment fields to the node form as needed.
See also the analogous module Education Field:
Created by Zivtech
Sponsored by UNICEF's Department of Communication and Division of Policy and Planning.
5.x-1.x-dev2008-Jun-25Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.

Enhanced Nodereference Autocomplete Widget

This module provides a new widget for the nodereference CCK field type.
  • Single autocomplete input for nodereference field with multiple values
  • Works similarly to taxonomy's free-tagging autocomplete (comma-separated)
Thanks to my employer, Rock River Star (
5.x-1.32008-Nov-21Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

Explainfield CCK widget

This module provides a way to provide extra input field when special choices are selected. It is similar to the built-in options module, the difference is that one can select sensitive "trigger" options when those are selected a textfield appears.
Stable version currently works with select list (no multiselect), radio and checkboxes, offering only one trigger option. New features are coming in to the 2.x branch, but it might be unstable and buggy, use it with caution.
The development of this module was sponsored by BioRAFT.
6.x-1.x-dev2009-Apr-11Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.
5.x-1.02007-Dec-09Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.


A CCK content field to integrate with the Aggregator.
When an entry with this content type is saved, the feed url will be added to the aggregator. (And removed from the aggregator if the entry is deleted.)
5.x-1.02007-May-17Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.
4.7.x-1.12006-Dec-19Recommended for 4.7.xThis is currently the recommended release for 4.7.x.

Field Actions

The Field Actions module combines the power of Drupal actions with the data in CCK nodes to create new ways of working with your nodes in Drupal. This module enables action enabled modules (such as workflow.module) to reach into your nodes, pull out information, and use it appropriately. This leads to more reuse of data throughout your site, and easier creation of behavior for non-programmers and programmers alike.
6.x-1.x-dev2009-Aug-13Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.

Field Copy

Field copy allows copying between fields for any content type. The fields must have the same type in order to copy.
Includes the option to nullify the source field.
Currently it requires CCK and it allows copying any cck field to any cck field of the same type ie. text, integer etc...
Provides API for the field_copy function.
Currently this module is considered alpha, so please backup your db before using this module.
In the future I will be adding undo functionality.
Even then you are strongly encouraged to back up your data for any module that alters your data.
5.x-5.x-dev2008-Oct-04Development snapshotDevelopment snapshots are automatically regenerated and their contents can frequently change, so they are not recommended for production use.

Field Element

This module provides integration between CCK fields/widgets and the Forms API. It provides no functionality to end-users, but it enables developers to re-use the functionality provided by CCK field types and widget types in contexts other than what is normally provided by content.module.
I will not be upgrading this module to Drupal 6 because CCK on D6 already takes the approach of encapsulating widgets in form element types, making this module no longer useful.
5.x-1.02008-Jul-15Recommended for 5.xThis is currently the recommended release for 5.x.

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